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Technology Assessment 1

PDF Conservation Technology Assessment 1
This reference (1.6 MB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs. CTAs may help Indian smallholders to adapt effectively to changing monsoons, Somalian health care administrators to deliver more cost effective medical treatments, Philippine city managers to mitigate rising typhoon intensity more efficiently, California vegetable growers to manage water wisely, Egyptian municipalities to manage energy distribution better, Chilean mariners to adopt sustainable fish stock management practices faster, and people to improve their lives and livelihoods. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:13:35 PM
Text Conservation Technology Assessment 1
This is a text file (38 KB) version of the Conservation Technology Assessment 1 pdf file. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:14:07 PM
Video 01- CTA
This video (ZIP: 22.6; MP4: 23.1 MB; 6:38) is the 1st in a two part tutorial explaining how to complete Conservation Technology Assessments. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/19/2018 10:06:20 PM
Video: Video 02- CTA
This video (4.3 MB; 1:00) is the 2nd in a two part tutorial explaining how to complete Conservation Technology Assessments. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/18/2018 8:13:37 PM
PDF CTA Algorithm 1
This reference (3.9 MB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 1. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:15:39 PM
Text CTA Algorithm 1
This reference (114 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 1. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:15:52 PM
PDF CTA Algorithm 2
This reference (648 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 2. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:17:19 PM
Text CTA Algorithm 2
This reference (19 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 2. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:17:35 PM
PDF CTA Algorithm 3
This reference (630 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 3. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:19:04 PM
Text CTA Algorithm 3
This reference (16 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 3. The resource was saved successfully on: 9/13/2018 11:19:21 PM
PDF CTA Algorithm 4
This reference (735 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 4. The resource was saved successfully on: 11/23/2016 10:59:31 PM
Text CTA Algorithm 4
This reference (31 KB) demonstrates how to complete CTAs using algorithm 4. The resource was saved successfully on: 11/23/2016 10:59:42 PM

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